Wednesday, November 21, 2018



This is my last entry for this semester. During 6 months here as IKMKL student, I have learnt so many things and gained new experience. Thanks to my best lecturer,  Mrs. Ardania and classmate for a wonderful moments here because has taught me well. Mrs Ardania is very nice and very patient for her students. From zero so I can speak English more accurately, all thanks to him. 

What i has learned from this semester are speech, silent letter, diphthong word and others. The most interesting and fun activity is when we must do a short story based on the picture or topic that has been given from our lecturer, Madam Ardania. I love when i got a chance to speak in English cause at the same time i can improve the way i speak English. I having so much fun with my friend when doing this activity.

Finally, actually this is the first time i doing blog. I has never done it before in my entire life. But it is fun to learn it. In blog, it not only can be use for study. I also can use it for business. One day, when i have done study at Institut Kemahiran Mara, Kuala Lumpur i want to use knowledge from my study for my future life.

my first day at IKMKL

student but not forget independence day

my friends  from Kajang Prison Officer give talk to student IKMKL

Me and my friends at Kuala Selangor Cabin Camp

Song Interpration

Seasons in the Sun 

Goodbye to you my trusted friend
We've known each other since we were nine or ten
Together we've climbed hills and trees
Learned of love and ABC's
Skinned our hearts and skinned our knees
Goodbye my friend it's hard to die
When all the birds are singing in the sky
Now that spring is in the air
Pretty girls are everywhere
Think of me and I'll be there
We had joy, we had fun
we had seasons in the sun
But the hills that we climbed
Were just seasons out of time
Goodbye Papa please pray for me
I was the black sheep of the family
You tried to teach me right from wrong
Too much wine and too much song
Wonder how I got along
Goodbye Papa it's hard to die
When all the birds are singing in the sky
Now that the spring is in the air
Little children everywhere
When you see them, I'll be there
We had joy, we had fun
We had seasons in the sun
But the wine and the song
Like the seasons have all gone
We had joy, we had fun
We had seasons in the sun
But the wine and the song
Like the seasons have all gone

Goodbye Michelle my little one
You gave me love and helped me find the sun
And every time that I was down
You would always come around
And get my feet back on the ground
Goodbye Michelle it's hard to die
When all the birds are singing in the sky
Now that the spring is in the air
With the flowers everywhere
I wish that we could both be there

Seasons in the Sun Lyric’s by Terry Jack.

It’s a goodbye song about a person who is sure of meeting up with his death soon. He thanks all the people responsible for lovely memories in his life.

He first bids goodbye to his friends, the dear friends who he spent most of his life with when he was a kid. He tells them when to remember him. He then sort of apologises and bids farewell to his father.

Goodbye Michelle my little one” might be his daughter and he thanks to her for being the light in his life.

He’s also saying goodbye to his father. He feel by telling his father he did do his best,you tried to teach me right from wrong.

Then, he’s saying goodbye to his closest friend remembering times they spent.

The chorus part symbolises the different time in his life

the wine and the song like the seasons have all gone” says that all these phases of life will come to an end with the ultimate end, which is his death.

now that the spring is in the air with the flowers everywhere” is the time when he has to go

Personally for me this song is amazing. It sounds like a man realizing that even with all the wonderful memories, such as family and friends there’s a time when you have to let go. It’s a very touching song its highly recommended to people that experienced loss and death in their lives.

Bina Insan Camp at Kuala Selangor

Bina Insan Camp

On the 3rd until 4th November 2018, IKM Kuala Lumpur organised a Bina Insan Camp at Cabin Camp Kuala Selangor. About 60 participants joined this two day camp. Its objective is to improve teamwork among participants. During this two day camp, several activities are arranged for participants. 

On the first day, after the registration of participants a briefing about the camp was given by facilitators, Captain (b) Khairil and Pn Hajah. After that, participants were distributed among several groups and group activities were held. 

me and my friends get ready to join the activity

i'm very excited for riding mini bike ride

These pictures are the only half of the pictures that were taken during the Bina Insan Camp. 

Unit 4 : Language Form and Function (to apologize)

Function : How to apologize

Today I learned function and expression of how to apologize. As usually my activity for today, I need to form a dialogue with my partner. Below is a dialogue between me and my partner, Jerry (as teacher). Today I learned function and expression of how to apologize. As usually my activity for today, I need to form a dialogue with my partner. Below is a dialogue between me and my partner, Jerry (as teacher).  But before that let's take a look what is expression of how to apologize. 

To apologize is to tell someone that you are sorry for having done something that has caused him inconvenience or unhappiness:

I must apologize to Isabel for my late arrival.
I'd like to apologize for my trouble making.
Trains may be subject to delay on the northern line. We apologize for any inconvenience caused.

This is my dialogue for apologize:

Me : Excuse me, Sir.

Teacher (Jerry)  : Why are you so late, Shahril?

Me : I am very sorry, but i got a traffic jam.

Teacher (Jerry) : Really? You told me the same thing every time you came late.

Me : But, Sir. I was really trapped in the traffic jam. I do apologize.

Teacher (Jerry) : Next time, please come earlier, otherwise you will miss the lesson.

Me : Ok, Sir. I promise!

Teacher (Jerry) : Good! Then you may have a seat.

P/S : From this lesson, i know how to use the function and expression in any situation.

Monday, November 19, 2018

Unit 4 : Language Form and Function

Language Form and Function

Assalamualaikum..hi, guys..

Now i am learning about form and function. What is form and function?? Grammatical form is concerned with the description of linguistic units in term of what they are, and grammatical function is concerned with the description of what these linguistic units do.

For this topic, we need to interpret a picture given by our teacher and create a dialogue for the picture.

Wife : If you don't hurry, we'll be late for the show

Husband : They's plenty of time. You are always so impatient. (to complain)

Wife : Plenty of time? The show start in twenty minutes.

Husband : It takes only ten minutes to get there. we can leave now.

Wife : It's about time! (to express relief)

Husband : You need to relax a bit more (to advise) I's bad for health to be so anxious about everything.

Sunday, November 18, 2018

Activities Week IKM KL

On 24 September until 28 September 2018, IKM KL had organised an Activities Week for all students and staff members. The objectives of this program is to foster the spirit of sportsmanship, collaborate and strengthen relationship between students and staff. There were many activities organised by the IKM KL to attract the students and staff members to join the activities. There were also a wide range of prizes that were given to the winners. These pictures below are the only half of the picture that were taken during the activities week.

 One of the activities that i was join is marching competition. 

Overall, the Activities Week was huge success where students are enjoyed and participate in all activities. I hope that activities like this would be organized again in the future to allow student and staff to got foster the spirit of sportsmanship and strengthen relationship between students and staff.

Saturday, November 17, 2018

Movie Review

The Foreigner

Assalamualaikum..hi guys..Today I am sharing my english task about movie review. I choose "THE FOREIGNER" as my movie review task because this movie is very interesting. 

For details about my review, you can read my presentation report. Hope you can get some info about this movie.


SETTING TIME        :   24 September 2017, 13 October 2017

PLACE                       : United Kingdom, China

Ngoc Minch Quan runs a Chinese restaurant in London with his business partner Lam. When his teenage daughter Fan is killed in a clothing store bombing, he seeks revenge. The bombing is claimed by a group calling itself the "Authentic IRA". Falling to get the bombers from Scotland Yard, Quan next focuses on the Northem Ireland deputy First Minister Liam Hennessy, who speaks publiciy about his status as a former IRA leader while condemning the bombing. Quan eventually leaves for Belfast and seeks out Hennessy, who claims to have no knowledge of the bombing or its perpetrators. Quan does not belive him and sets off a homemade bom in Hennessy's office as a threat unless he gets the bomber names.


-  Jackie Chan
-  Pierce Brosnan
-  Rory Fleck-Byrne

3.         WHY I LIKE THIS MOVIE ?
- I like this movie because of the interesting plot and it is thril to watch.

- What I dislike this movies because there are some part was slow example when Quan is trying to look for her daughter’s murderer. Because of the birocracy ( IRA ), it’s hard for Quan to figure it out. Audience can be bored waiting for this plot.

- My favourite part in this movie is as “Quan” was hunted by a “Liam Hennessy” liquor after  Quan blew his stables and cars Liam Hennessy as a warning sign but Quan is getting ready with the trap and all the tricks that are made to break the attack from the hammy folloers of the hane who hunt and attack him.

-I would like to recommand this movie to someone who love action thriller.

- This movie "Taken" has similar theme with this movie because in the "Taken" movies, it's just wonderfully and watching nice, easygoing Liam Neeson turn into a homicidal maniac. And now, there's "The Foreigner" offering the same kind of absurd satisfaction, with Jackie Chan as a sweet little guy, an older fellow that no takes seriously, who becomes a killing machine.


Man, was Quan ever a persistent bugger. He continued to show up at the police station, day after day after day.He continued to be a presence in the police station. His desire was to be there when answers were found.Great leaders not only ask great questions, great leaders are persistent. They continue leading even when others would give up.

Over the years, Quan experience loss. He first lost his two eldest daughters. Next he lost his wife. Finally, he lost his youngest daughter. While Quan wasn’t responsible for their deaths, he accepted the responsibility for them. As a father and husband, his responsibility was to protect them, but he didn’t. Quan didn’t shy away or try to deflect blame. He accepted the situation and took action.

Thank's for taking the time to read my blog..


Reflection This is my last entry for this semester 2. During 6 months here as IKMKL student, I have learnt so many things and gained n...