Wednesday, May 22, 2019



This is my last entry for this semester 2. During 6 months here as IKMKL student, I have learnt so many things and gained new experience. Thanks to my best lecturer,  Mrs. Ardania and classmate for a wonderful moments here because has taught me well. Mrs Ardania is very nice and very patient for her students. From zero so I can speak English more accurately, all thanks to him. 

What i has learned from this semester are Job Hunting, How to Answer Interview Questions,  Visume, Accident at Workplace, PPE and Hazards. The most interesting and fun activity is when we must do a presentation about Accident at Workplace that has been given from our lecturer, Madam Ardania. I love when i got a chance to speak in English cause at the same time i can improve the way i speak English. I having so much fun with my friend when doing this activity.

Finally, actually this is the second time i doing blog and maybe it is my last blog i do because it is very hard to me to do. Last but not least, I want to thank Madam Ardania for being a great teacher and understanding me in my english problems. I will always remember that I can do anything in life if I set my mind to it, and I will succeed.

i'm ready to job interview with my friends

blood donation at hall Ikmkl

talk by Mufti Wilayah Persekutuan

day of student excellence awards

activities week

The Student Awards Ceremony 2018

The Student Awards Ceremony 2018

It is my great pleasure to share with all of you here the joy and achievements at the Student of the Year Awards Ceremony. The Student of the Year Awards is an annual event widely recognised and warmly welcomed by my IKMKL. Last year, me and my friend become a best student in IKMKL. I'm very proud of myself. My gratitude goes to the parents,my wife, lecturers and friends for the support in my study. 

Unit 2 - Report


Prepared By : Muhamad Shahril Bin Zaiman
Prepared For : Madam Ardania Bt Ayub
Date : 30/04/2019


1.1 Definition of accident 

The definition of an accident provided by Heinrich in the 1930s is often cited. Heinrich defines an accident as an unplanned and uncontrolled event in which the action or reaction of an object, substance, person or radiation results in personal injury or the probability thereof. Variations on this definition can be found throughout the safety literature. Bird and Germain for instance define an accident as an unintended or unplanned happening that may or may not result in property damage, personal injury, work process stoppage or interference, or any combination of these conditions under such circumstances that personal injury might have resulted.

1.2 Types of accident

Accidents may be of different types depending upon the severity, durability and degree of the injury. An accident causing death or permanent or prolonged disability to the injured employee is called ‘major accident. A cut that does not render the employee disabled is termed as ‘minor’ acci­dent. When an employee gets injury with external signs of it, it is external injury.

Injury without showing external signs such as a fractured bone is called an internal one. When an injury renders an injured employee disabled for a short period, say, a day or a week, it is a temporary accident. On the contrary, making injured employee disabled for ever is called permanent accident. Disability caused by accident may be partial or total, fatal or non-fatal.. 

1.3 Location

Accident in this video happen at factory site

1.4 Description Of Accident

This video shows an accident at workplace. The accident involves several workers who handle a forklift. One of the workers was unable to control the unstable forklift. It causes the front of the forklift to lift. One of the workers tried to help with sitting on a raised forklift, but the forklift is still unstable. Then, came another worker trying to help with a swing on the raised forklift. In the end, the forklift has crashed at the worker's body. The accident caused death at workplace.


2.1 Explain what are the causes for accident 

A worker is sitting behind the forklift in an unsafe manner.

The female worker is hanging dangerously behind the forklift.            

Effects on workers / employer

Workplace accident can have a devastating impact on a worker’s live, health and future

3.0 Conclusion 

We need to take precaution first before start doing the work. Beside that, we also have to check the heavy machinery and surrounding area before doing the work. Other than that, we have to ask the expert how to use with the safe way, don’t try to do something dangerous for yourself.


a. Provide Training
Nobody emerges from the womb knowing how to correctly reverse a forklift, balance a load or park a forklift. OSHA requires that every forklift operator be trained and certified to operate a forklift, and the operator’s performance be evaluated on the provisions of 1910.178(1)(3) every three years.

b. Always Be Alert On The Job
Being awake and alert all the time while at work will not prevent accidents from happening at work. Most of the people who become involved with accident at work are those who not alert their own safety while working.

c. Follow the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP)
Worker who follows the safety measures and procedures set by the employers for the workplace will most likely be able to prevent future accident. OSHA regulations encourage drivers to carry loads as near to the ground as possible, approximately 4 inches from the floor.

4.1 The importance of PPE 

a. Safety Straps (Seatbelts) - If a forklift operator falls out of the forklift, it can result in a very serious accident. Being securely strapped into the forklift can prevent this from happening. It also helps to keep the operator in the forklift should it tip over, which is the safest place to be.

b. Lights - Having lights on the forklift is important, but perhaps more important is wearing lights or reflective PPE for the people who work around the forklift. This can help ensure they can be seen at all times.

c. Hard Hats - A hard hat can protect the operator from getting struck in the head from falling objects or other hazards. If an operator was hit in the head and dazed or made unconscious, it could lead to further injuries.

d. Eye Protection - In some environments where there is a lot of dust or debris in the area, wearing eye protection can be very important.

4.2  Safety signage

Safety signs must be used whenever a hazard or danger cannot be avoided adequately or reduced in another way.  Before installing safety signs an employer should examine whether the hazard can be avoided or reduced by collective precautions (precautions that protect everybody) or safer ways of doing the work.

4.3 Follow SOP / the appropriate work process

Once your committee has identified standard operating procedures applicable to your operations, it has to communicate them to all employees and designate people who will be responsible for ensuring compliance. The wearing of protective clothing, such as hard hats, boots and safety glasses, reduces injuries in rough environments such as construction sites. High-visibility clothing helps protect employees when material is being moved. Hazardous materials have to be handled with specific precautions and stored safely. Machines have standard operating procedures specified in their manuals. Making sure that all employees are aware of these standard operating procedures and are adhering to them means your committee doesn't have to develop its own safety procedures.



A hazard is any source of potential damage, harm or adverse health effects on something or someone under certain conditions at work


Risk is the chance or probability that a person will be harmed or experience and adverse healtheffect if exposed to a hazardz


Workplace hazards also include practices or conditions that release uncontrolled energy like
an object (forklift) because worker was riding with the load elevated

     Abnormal situasions, for example one of worker try to pull the forklift while 
forklift in load is unstable and blocking vision


One of safety precautions by following Sop such as;

1.Watch out for pedestrians.

 2.Ensure the lifting tines are secure into the pallet and the load is stable before lifting or driving off.

3.Always remember that the safe working load of a forklift reduces as the mast is tilted forward.

4.Always put the heavy end of the load against the load backrest.

5.When approaching a blind corner, use horn and drive slowly.

6.Always have someone guide you if a load restricts your vision.

7.Avoid harsh braking, especially when carrying a load



Unit 2 - Presentation 2

Hazard and PPE

Today my teacher give me a task about "Hazard and PPE".  A hazard is any source of potential damage, harm or adverse health effects on something or someone under certain conditions at work. PPE  is protect the worker's body from hazards and injuries such as blunt impacts, electrical hazards, heat, chemicals, and infection, etc.

My power point video are showing u about that's topic.

Unit 2 - Presentation 1

Accident at Workplace

Today my task about "Accident at Workplace".  Workplace can be dangerous, even more so in an industrial environment. Numerous factors can cause accidents, ranging from overexertion to mishandling of hazardous materials. There are also a multitude of variables that can contribute to or influence a workplace incident.

My power point video are showing u about that's topic.


Assalamulaikum today i want to share how to make a visume for job hunting. 

First what is a visume? Visume or video resume is a short video that shows potential employers the value u can bring to their company and helps you make an impression that reaches beyond the page. Creating a custom video gives you a chance to make a great first impression.

How to make a video visume.

1.Draft a script. 

Get the key points you’d like to discuss down on paper. Don’t use vague phrases like “team player” and “detail orientated.” Show the viewer you’ve got the skills by using concrete examples of what you’ve done.

2. Create with your audience in mind. 

Who’s going to see this video? What problems do they have? How can you help solve them? Show the viewer why you’re valuable and why they should have you on their team.

3. Keep it short.

People are busy. Get to the point quickly while keeping it engaging. Stick to 60 to 90 seconds.

4. Play to your strengths.

Are you an in front of the camera or a behind the scenes person? Choose a video format that works best for you and that helps you put your best foot forward.

5. Use quality equipment.

If you decide to stand in front of the camera, use a good mic and camera, light the scene properly and film somewhere quiet.

6. Slow down.

Most of us have a tendency to speed up when we’re nervous or uncomfortable. Slow down. Remember, you can take as many takes as it takes (now say that three time fast.)

7. Include relevant links.

The video resume grabbed their attention. It’s time to bring it home. Include links to your resume, your portfolio and relevant social media channels.

8. Be yourself.

Working for a company is a two-way street. You need to fit well together. Breathe, relax and be yourself. Easy, right?

Video resume examples
What better way to decide if this is right for you than by picking up a few video resume tips from candidates who landed the job? I compiled a list of some great video resume samples below:

Unit 1 - Job Hunting Skill

Assalamualaikum and hi guys..I’m back for this semester. So now  i’m in semester 2. For this semester as usual I need to update my activities at IKMKL, especially during my English course NUE2121. The topic that i learnt is  Job Hunting Skills. In this topic i will learn how to locate Job Opportunities, writing cover letter, resume, doing mock interview and how to answer when interviewed.

I hope you enjoy reading and feel free to leave a comment.

After learning this topic i have more confidence especially during interview and doing my own resume.


Reflection This is my last entry for this semester 2. During 6 months here as IKMKL student, I have learnt so many things and gained n...